Thank you for choosing Drawer Harmony! Before you order, we would like to cover a few important details about our product lines as well as measuring and ordering information. We know an unorganized kitchen can cause frustration and lost or misplaced utensils. Our desire is that time spent in your kitchen is enjoyable, relaxing and full-filling (pun intended). Let’s get started!
Product Details:
Each and every drawer insert we offer is custom built for your kitchen (or bath or laundry) from the finest materials available. The finish is a natural wood finish that coordinates well with any decor. All drawer inserts are proudly made in America and delivered to your door in 10-14 business days.
Ordering Information:
When ordering, it is important to take accurate measurements to ensure a beautiful, custom fit. We’ve detailed ordering instructions below including a video and we have also provided them in a downloadable form here.
How to measure for your drawer organizers:
- Step 1:
- Select the drawer that you wish to measure and open to its fullest extent
- Measure the width and depth of the inside of the drawer box
- Step 2:
- Go to the Drawer Harmony Shop
- Select the product that best fits your needs for this drawer
- Choose the proper size variation
- Enter the width and depth you just recorded, choose the quantity you need and add to cart
- Once all products you need are in your cart, check out and enter shipping and payment information
- Step 3:
- Your new custom organizer will arrive soon, open and enjoy!
Instructional Video: